Congo and Cameroun, Bolivia of the heart. Thoughts gleaned in the global south. Love affair with language. Can rootedness be non-geographical?

Archive for August, 2014


Going “Home” and Happy for It!


Transparency, image-casting, and health food for our minds and spirits!

God-Truster and I have been  in another extended journey.  The time frame of pretty constant traveling has been GREAT, and now we both are getting excited about getting home again to Bolivia!


I feel that God has been teaching me, through daily short morning times of meditation and study and prayer about the importance of maintaining a balanced healthy diet SPIRITUALLY AND MENTALLY.  What am I spending my time thinking about?  What am I watching on television or other media?  With what amount of quality and effort am I investing in face-t0-face communicational presencial opportunities with friends, family, work colleagues, loved ones in other categories?  How is my prayer life?  Am I, maybe even without realizing it, slipping into habits of worry or negative thinking?

And how am I doing with transparency and honesty in my most important relationships?  I think this area is increasingly challenging for all of us in this image-and-media-driven world in which we find ourselves, but, it’s important!  It’s too easy these days to keep the mask up, and to keep the mask up, and to keep the mask up until we almost “lose our authentic self”.  What’s behind the mask?  What’s behind that positive image we’re encouraged by digital photography and social media websites and societal values and celebrity culture and crass capitalistic marketing and our own “people-pleasing” hearts to cultivate and present?


We get to Make a Different Choice

Romans 4:3  Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.

It’s “Holy Week”!  Welcome to “Holy Week”!  And, God, would YOU cause every week to be “holy week” in my heart and in my life?  Would You give me a huge and constant thirst for You, for knowing You better, for seeking You out through your Word the Bible, and in prayer more constantly and more vigorously?  Thanks, God!

Beth Moore has this, in her “Believing God” Bible study guide.   “I crave to leave a legacy of faith to my children, and not just a list of works.”  Oh how my heart longs for this, as well!  As I read through Romans 4, what hits me most profoundly is that, even in Old Testament times it seems that Paul is teaching that people were saved by believing, only.  Not by works.  That’s God’s basic principle, that has always BEEN.

God is profoundly GOOD.

God is profoundly a GIVER, not a TAKER.

Here’s something else.IMG_2021

“To the praise, glory and honor of my wonderful God, I have been free from the cycle of defeat for years.  Do you know how?  I chose to believe God.  He said I was forgiven.  That I was beautiful to Him.  That He had a purpose for my life.  That I was a new woman no less.  That I no longer had to carry old baggage or turn to old comforts……..that His all-surpassing power was within my jar of clay (see 2 Corinthians 4:7).  And one day at a time I chose to believe Him.”

Some days I cried like a baby because I’d feel the old, destructive habits start to rise.  So often I said to myself out loud, “You are not that woman anymore.  You get to make a different choice.”.  And I would.  Present-Active-Participle believing God.  That’s how God broke the cycle.” (Beth Moore)


Encouraging principles gleaned today from Genesis 12 and 13.

1.  GOD initiated the personal relationship of Himself with Abram, and Abram’s role was to respond to Who God is.

2.  God communicated expectations that He had for Abram, and Abram chose to hear and obey, the best he could, even from an almost certain “place” of feeling of reluctance and inadequacy, and a “place” of real and gross imperfection and weakness!

3.  Abram always kept on worshipping God.  Everyplace they stopped, he built an altar and called on (worshipped) God.

4.  Abram did not cling to his “rights” and his normal, understandable entitlements in the eyes of mankind.  He gave these up willingly in order to obey and follow God. (ex:  the way he dealt with his nephew, Lot, when both of their peoples and animals became too much for one camp.)IMG_1747IMG_5373

The Heavens Declare…

IMG_2129 IMG_2131Sucre, Chuquisaca, Bolivia.  Our home for ten years and still one home of our hearts.

Making Candles! Shine the Light!

©Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2013. Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.IMG_4656

Fruit Bats Munching Mangoes!


I was four, and one evening I lay on my cot listening to my brother’s soft slow breathing as he had just drifted off to sleep under the other mosquito net on his narrow metal bed across the room.  Mac always fell asleep before I did! Sweat dampened my sticky hair and made the small of my back feel tickly under the thin cotton pajamas.  It was always HOT on the equator in the middle of the West African jungle!

I loved my house there, which loomed darkly on a large hilltop and was already old in the early sixties, having been built by Germans before World War One with hardwood timbers brought to the Camerounian jungles on a European ship and carried to the remote forest outpost of Sakbayeme on the heads and shoulders of Africans.  Those facts didn’t bother me, at age four.  Now they do.

The house stood on stilts and, underneath were whitewashed pillars with column bases.  Yesterday, attracted by the cool shadow of the concrete, a Horned Viper had curled sluggishly next to a pillar where Daddy had rested his hand for a minute, not seeing the deadly snake.  He was talking to our Uncle John Smith, who did life-saving operations on the Africans every day.  Uncle John got sad some days, when some of his patients died.  My daddy  had a very important job too.  He kept all the hospital equipment running smoothly and when the instrument sterilizer broke down or the electricity generators would not work,  Daddy made new parts for the machines and fixed them.  All the doctors and nurses loved my daddy and my mommy.

This evening, I tried to keep my eyes shut by squinching them tightly. They kept popping open anyways.  Mommy and Daddy had told Mac and me to lie still and go right to sleep and, whatever we did, NOT TO GO OUTSIDE OUR MOSQUITO NETS.  Our nets got firmly folded in all the way around the edges of our mattresses by Mommy when she tucked us in at seven thirty p.m. after stories and prayers, and sometimes checked again by Daddy when he came in a minute later to say “goodnight”.  The bed nets made our sleep hot and sticky but we knew that malaria was the Sakbayeme  killer and that mosquito nets protected us from the insects that carried the horrible illness and that flew on tiny wings all through our windowless houses after dark.   Nets and quinine pills swallowed every morning protected all us mish kids –  Sakbayeme ones, Edea ones and Hope School ones – from getting bitten.  Most of the African kids didn’t get to take quinine or sleep under mosquito nets and when I thought about that it made me sad that they might get malaria and made me envious that they could sleep cool and free at night.  Both feelings at the same time.

Now I listened for the Fruit Bats in the mango trees, or for the Mountain Gorillas trumpeting in the Babimbi Hills behind our house but all I could hear this night were the African Tree Toads roaring in my ears!  When I was scared of their LOUD rasping metallic cacaphony Mommy had explained that they were only two-inch brown tree toads, hundreds and thousands of them, and that the noise was them singing me to sleep.  After that I was never afraid of them any more.

Now, suddenly, their singing stopped!  Silence enveloped the jungle! Was it a sleek black Puma, gliding through the trees out there, that had disturbed my tree toad lullaby?

I bolted upright on the cot, sitting cross-legged and reached down the side of the bed with my left arm.  I tugged at the heavy cotton muslin edge of the bed net, pulled it loose from under the mattress, slipped smoothly down through the opening and crawled across the dilapidated wooden floor toward the open window, trying to avoid the floorboards with the worst CREAKS and the biggest termite holes, which hurt my tender knees.  Crouching under the black hole of a window opening, I imagined the black Puma gliding, the tree frogs huddling beneath leaves on their trunks and stems, the Fruit Bats munching mangos and the gorillas trumpeting in the Babimbi Hills, just across my beloved Sanaga River a short walk down the forest path below.

  Mommy was coming!  One of my floorboards must have CREAKED!  Brisk, light footfalls sounded, coming closer through our shot-gun styled house.  She was through the large living room, into hers and Daddy’s room, where Baby Sister lay sleeping in her bassinet under a soft mosquito netting of her own.  She was almost here!

I slid behind the mahogany door to the huge boxy room.  Just then, the chorus of tree toads started up their nightly song once again.  Perhaps Mr. Puma had felt hot and sweaty too and had glided into the swiftly flowing river to have a swim, leaving all the little tree toads in peace again?

Mommy looked at her children’s beds and saw that mine was empty, the wrinkled voluminous net hanging loose at the side.  She looked all around the shadowy room, then saw my back and my pony tail hunched close to her and the floor, behind the edge of the open door!

“What are you doing out of your bed, young lady?”

“I was looking for the tree toads, Mommy!  I needed them to sing me to sleep!”

Why do writers write?

I was skimming through a library book put out by the Writer’s Digest company the other day.  It’s “Write Your Book in 26 Days” by Rochelle Melander and, I’m finding it over-light, gimmicky and a manufactured conglomeration.

But it contained a thought and a quotation, both on creative writing, that I found both poignant and funny!  You know that old saw about mountain climbing – Why do you want to climb the mountain?  (Because it’s there.)  Well, why do writers write?  Because it ISN’T there!IMG_2329

Guess I must be a quote-lover..

Here are a couple more writing quotes, newly discovered!


“Write something to suit yourself and many people will like it;  write something to suit everybody and scarcely anyone will care for it.” – Jesse Stewart


“What’s all this business of being a writer? It’s just putting one word after another.” – Irving ThalbergIMG_3245

I do like this…

“Watch your words diligently.  Words have such great power to bless or to wound.  When you speak carelessly or negatively, you damage others as well as yourself.  This ability to verbalize is an awesome privilege, granted only to those I created in my image.  You need help in wielding this mighty power responsibly.

Though the world applauds quick-witted retorts, MY instructions about communications are quite different. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.  Ask MY SPIRIT to help you whenever you speak.  I have trained you to pray – HELP ME HOLY SPIRIT – before answering the phone, and you have seen the benefits of this discipline.  Simply apply the same discipline to communicating with people around you.  If they are silent, pray before speaking to them.  If they are talking, pray before responding.  These are split-second prayers, but they put you in touch with My Presence.  In this way, your speaking comes under the control of My Spirit.  As positive speech patterns replace your negative ones,  THE INCREASE IN YOUR JOY WILL AMAZE YOU.”  – Sarah Young, “Jesus Calling”, p. 226