Congo and Cameroun, Bolivia of the heart. Thoughts gleaned in the global south. Love affair with language. Can rootedness be non-geographical?

Posts tagged “creativity

Love of learning. Haiku #3

Love of Learning      Haiku #3  The photo is of Sucre, Bolivia.

by NinadeSusOjos




Thirst for wide knowledge,

slaked, then surging once again,

all through life.  Wisdom.

What a time of year to illustrate this favorite Gerard Manley Hopkins poem!

I’ve loved this poem ever since I was nineteen, when my mom, who is a children’s writer, and a poet, shared it with me.

Glory be to God for dappled things –

For skies of couple-color as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;

Fresh-firecoal chestnut falls, finches wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plow;

And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)

With swift, slow, sweet, sour;  adazzle, dim;

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:

Praise him.

There are creative reading, creative thinking, creative sewing and creative cooking, as well as creative writing…

“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins

img_2771I’ve loved this poem ever since I was nineteen, when my mom, who is a children’s writer, and a poet, shared it with me.

Glory be to God for dappled things –

For skies of couple-color as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;

Fresh-firecoal chestnut falls, finches wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plow;

And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)

With swift, slow, sweet, sour;  adazzle, dim;

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:

Praise him.

“There is Creative Reading as Well as Creative Writing”

“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

copyright La Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2019. Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.

Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Some “pied” Bolivia beauty in a Saturday morning open air market, CochabambaI’ve loved this poem ever since I was nineteen, when my mom, who is a children’s writer, and a poet, shared it with me.

Glory be to God for dappled things –

For skies of couple-color as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;

Fresh-firecoal chestnut falls, finches wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plow;

And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)

With swift, slow, sweet, sour;  adazzle, dim;

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:

Praise him.

Vignette from a Saturday Morning. Cochabamba, Bolivia, Barrio Chimba.


This boy is helping his mom by rinsing the goat cheeses, to sell beside the road.

copyright La Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2019.Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.

I strode into the front room, grabbed and lifted the rickety metal handcart with its two brightly striped nylon shopping bags, placed , one in the top section of the cart and one in the bottom.  A wicker paper plate holder blocked the big hole left by some bent and missing cart wires.

Every time I use that cart the wheels wobble so violently I think one will surely drop off while I’m in the middle of walking across Blanco Galindho Highway with traffic bearing down and ten or fifteen pounds of vegetables and bananas  in my care.

The short shopping trip went well; I spoke with several vendors, the wheel did not fall off, the outdoor air was cool, the early morning high mountain light had that bright but not yet glaring quality.  The vendors’ low, planked saw horses, heaped with small mountains of big red tomatoes, dark green broccoli, giant golden half-globes and wedges of Hubbard squash adorned with poignant beauty the ragged, smelly edges of the open drainage ditch euphemistically called “The River”.

On the way home, I paused on the far side of Blanco Street, waiting for the surge of traffic to subside.  The Newspaper Lady and one of her daughters, the child about 11, I judged, sat on the warm greasy cement beside a huge stack of Los Tiempos.  The girl lay, half on her mother’s ample lap, while Mom bent low and close over the child’s head of long, glossy black hair, picking out lice and nits with a long black fine-toothed comb and her long strong fingernails.  Mom would section off a small neat square of scalp with the fine-tooth comb, then work on it before proceeding to make the next square.  Mother and Daughter bantered back and forth in that relaxed, intimate family way, oblivious of and a little bored with their surroundings in the  hectic shrill public street.

“I’m going to send you out on the bicycle through the neighborhoods, to sell more papers.”

“Mom, no – 0-0-0-0-0.”

“Oh, yea-a-a-a-a-h…..”

Julia Cameron on Creativity

  copyright La Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2018. Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.IMG_3206“Creation:  Bake or cook something.  (If you have a sugar problem, make a fruit salad.)  Creativity does not always have to involve Capital-A art.  Very often the act of cooking something can help you cook something up in another creative mode.  When I am stymied as a writer, I make soups and pies.”     – Julia Cameron in her book, “The Artist’s Way”

I’ve been reading a new book about photography, graphic arts and creative writing.

cropped-img_8982.jpgBeen reading a book about photography, songwriting, graphic arts and creative writing, and it has some great quotes in it. Here’s one, about online and computer use.

“Step away from the screen.  My favorite cartoonist, Lynda Barry, has this saying:  “In the digital age, don’t forget to use your digits!”  Your hands are the original digital devices.  Use them.  While I love my computer,  I think computers have robbed us of the feeling that we’re actually making things.  Instead, we’re just typing keys and clicking mouse buttons.  This is why so-called knowledge work seems so abstract.  The artist Stanley Donwood, who’s made all the album artwork for the band Radiohead, says computers are alienating because they put a sheet of glass between you and whatever is happening.  ‘You never really touch anything you are doing unless you print it out,’ Donwood says.  Just watch someone at their computer.  They’re so still, so immobile.  You don’t need a scientific study (of which there are a few) to tell you that sitting in front of a computer all day is killing you, and killing your work.  We need to move, to feel like we’re making something with our bodies – not just our heads. Work that only comes from the head isn’t any good.  Watch a great musician play a show.  Watch a great leader give a speech.  You’ll see what I mean.”  You need to find a way to bring your body into your work.  Our nerves aren’t a one-way street – our bodies can tell our brains as much as our brains tell our bodies.”    – from “Steal like an Artist” by Austin KleonIMG_5084

Love of learning. Haiku #3

Love of Learning      Haiku #3

by NinadeSusOjos




Thirst for wide knowledge,

slaked, then surging once again,

all through life.  Wisdom.

Julia Cameron on Creativity

  copyright La Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2018. Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.IMG_3206“Creation:  Bake or cook something.  (If you have a sugar problem, make a fruit salad.)  Creativity does not always have to involve Capital-A art.  Very often the act of cooking something can help you cook something up in another creative mode.  When I am stymied as a writer, I make soups and pies.”     – Julia Cameron in her book, “The Artist’s Way”

“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” – J.K. RowlingIMG_5564

“There is Creative Reading as Well as Creative Writing”

“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

copyright La Nina de Sus Ojos by NinadesusOjos, 2012 -2018 Any and all unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including all photographs, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited by law.

Haiku #6. Eyes. Photo, the graffiti painting on my next door neighbor’s house.


by NinadeSusOjos



We look there first.  Search

deep who the person true is.

Gaze those windows.  Know.

Love of learning. Haiku #3

Love of Learning      Haiku #3

by NinadeSusOjos




Thirst for wide knowledge,

slaked, then surging once again,

all through life.  Wisdom.

There are creative reading, creative thinking and creative cooking, as well as creative writing…

“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Vignette from My Morning


This boy is helping his mom by rinsing the goat cheeses, to sell beside the road.


I strode into the front room, grabbed and lifted the rickety metal handcart with its two brightly striped nylon shopping bags, placed , one in the top section of the cart and one in the bottom.  A wicker paper plate holder blocked the big hole left by some bent and missing cart wires.

Every time I use that cart the wheels wobble so violently I think one will surely drop off while I’m in the middle of walking across Blanco Galindho Highway with traffic bearing down and ten or fifteen pounds of vegetables and bananas  in my care.

The short shopping trip went well; I spoke with several vendors, the wheel did not fall off, the outdoor air was cool, the early morning high mountain light had that bright but not yet glaring quality.  The vendors’ low, planked saw horses, heaped with small mountains of big red tomatoes, dark green broccoli, giant golden half-globes and wedges of Hubbard squash adorned with poignant beauty the ragged, smelly edges of the open drainage ditch euphemistically called “The River”.

On the way home, I paused on the far side of Blanco Street, waiting for the surge of traffic to subside.  The Newspaper Lady and one of her daughters, the child about 11, I judged, sat on the warm greasy cement beside a huge stack of Los Tiempos.  The girl lay, half on her mother’s ample lap, while Mom bent low and close over the child’s head of long, glossy black hair, picking out lice and nits with a long black fine-toothed comb and her long strong fingernails.  Mom would section off a small neat square of scalp with the fine-tooth comb, then work on it before proceeding to make the next square.  Mother and Daughter bantered back and forth in that relaxed, intimate family way, oblivious of and a little bored with their surroundings in the  hectic shrill public street.

“I’m going to send you out on the bicycle through the neighborhoods, to sell more papers.”

“Mom, no – 0-0-0-0-0.”

“Oh, yea-a-a-a-a-h…..”



-a poem by NinadesusOjos


that nourishes my body and my mind,

green and raw and crisp and orange,

no greasy, sweet, soft, white, starch, flour,

thirst-quenching springwater,

apples, oatmeal, quinua, squash and lettuce.


reading to learn,

reading to be stung to think,

reading to laugh,

reading to relax and fly away.


to know Him more,

to enjoy Him more deeply,

to worship Him more fervently,

to study His Word,

to delight myself in my beloved position with Him.


marveling at their quirks and mine,

smiling at a ten-year-old’s clumsy joke,

listening to their hearts,

mourning with them in their grief,

dancing hand-in-hand in their triumphs,

sharing my Lovely and Loving God with them.

Haiku #6. Eyes.


by NinadeSusOjos



We look there first.  Search

deep who the person true is.

Gaze those windows.  Know.

Creativity and Self-conciousness

“I shouldn’t have to be in the mood to write.  I shouldn’t have to take my emotional temperature to see if inspiration is pending.  I want to simply write.  No negotiations.  Good?  Bad?  None of my business.  By resigning as the self-conscious author, I write freely.” – Julia Cameron

Self-consciousness is killing.  Self-conciousness is creative death. Self-conciousness is also the death of joy and free-spiritedness. Self-conciousness is also the death of being able to take good photographs of people. – NinadesusOjos


Love of learning. Haiku #3

Love of Learning      Haiku #3

by NinadeSusOjos




Thirst for wide knowledge,

slaked, then surging once again,

all through life.  Wisdom.

Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Glory be to God for dappled things –

For skies of couple-color as a brinded cow;

For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;

Fresh-firecoal chestnut falls, finches wings;

Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plow;

And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)

With swift, slow, sweet, sour;  adazzle, dim;

He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:

Praise him.

God has filled the world with all manner of delights.


peonies in Pike Market, Seattle

“God has filled the world with all manner of delights.” – author unknown    peonies in Pike Market, Seattle

God has filled the world with all manner of delights.


peonies in Pike Market, Seattle

“God has filled the world with all manner of delights.” – author unknown    peonies in Pike Market, Seattle